The "Goldwing" Page!

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The Goldwing has won more awards as a touring bike than anyother other single motorcycle!

The Goldwing started as a 1000cc four cylinder bike.  It was unique because it was a "flat" four, water cooled, and very much unlike the bikes all the other Japanese manufacturere were building.  It was an open (unfaired) bike which quickly became popular with the touring crowd.  Within a few years, it did become a touring machine and is now considered the standard. For a year by year account of Goldwing development go to:

Check out another great Goldwing site:  This is a really great site, don't skip it!


The six basic stages of Goldwing development:

1.  1975 - 1979   1000cc  "the original"

2. 1980 - 1983    1100cc  "the touring model emerges"

3. 1984 - 1987    1200cc  "the wing matures & establishes itself"

4. 1988 - 2000   1500cc  "the wing becomes the premium tourer"

5. 2001 - 2010    1800cc  "the wing becomes musclebound & sporty"

6. 2011 - 2014     1800cc  "the same Wing with some new bodywork"

7. 2018 -             1800cc  "the wing becomes a technology showcase"

In 2025 the Gold Wing became 50 years old. What a landmark.





Above is the first Wing offered in 1975!

Above is a 1979 Goldwing.  From 1975 to 1979, the Goldwing was a 1000cc bike.  From 1980 to 83, 1100cc, 1984 to 1987, 1200cc, from 1988 to 2000, the Wing became 1500cc's, and now, since 2001, the Goldwing is 1800cc's.

The 1984 Goldwing pictured below had become "touring standard":

The 1984 1200cc Goldwing "dresser" had become the largest selling Japanese road bike!

Below is a 2000 Goldwing:

This was the last year for the 1500 and older style.  Still common bikes seen on most any interstate!

This is a Gold Wing Concept dated 2006, however the model is still being displayed!

The Goldwing EVO6 from 2007 was a concept bike which has shown a much sportier look for the Wing!


Below are several Honda models which draw from the Goldwing model but are smaller and less expensive, the Rune being the exception. Make sure and go to the "Goldwing 2" page:

The Valkyrie Rune below started as a concept bike back in 1995 called the "ZODIA"!

The Rune was offered in 2003 and sales were greater than what Honda had expected, so the bike was offered for several more years.  It was, however, always a custom bike sold in low numbers.

The GL650!

The larger GL650 was a revision of the older 500cc version.  The attempt to make a smaller Goldwing didn't work.  It was offered in 1983 and 1984.

The early Goldwing quickly developed a committed following of it's own!

Farings were developed specifically for the Goldwing and many were equipped with them shortly after purchase.  After the 1980's fairings were optional, then defined the bike.

The 1980 Goldwing now had a factory faring!

Now with a full faring, an 1100cc engine, and more comfortable seating, the Goldwing took on it's final form.  From this point on, it would go through many stages of development.

Below, the 1988 Goldwing was now a flat six of 1500cc's!

Getting bigger, more plush, and more expensive!

Below is the most current series of Goldwings!

From 2001, the Goldwing became an 1800cc motorcycle and became much more sporty in it's looks.  The enlarged "six" is around 107 horse power.  Cycle World has tested several Wings, all have gone through the quarter mile in around 12.7 seconds or less.  Very fast for a big bike! 

Below is the newest Goldwing, the 2012 edition!:

The 2012 Goldwing is a refined 2010 version.  Honda had originally planned big changes for the Wing, but market trends did not warrent the financial outlay.  Honda was planning to offer an "automatic" transmission in the Goldwing but the dismal failure of the DN-1 along with the poor sales of the VFR1200 indicated that the market was not asking for such a bike.  The new 2010 VFR1200 originally came out with a standard 6 speed with the "automatic" to be offered later.  Not only was the new VFR a poor seller, but there was "no" demand for an automatic in the bike!  Honda finally caught on, "no automatics already!" 

Below is the Silverwing 500:

The Silverwing was a CX500 turned into a touring bike.  It looked very much like the old 1100 Goldwing.  The GL500 had a V-Twin engine.  It was offered in 1981 but was shortlived.  I would imagine that it was a bit underpowered for long distance touring!

For more information on the CX/GL "flying-V" twins, go to the CX/GL page on    (Honda history Part II).


The Gold Wing from 2018:

The all new Gold Wing from 2018, pictured above, was possibly the most advance touring class motorcycle available at the time.  It offered a 7 speed twin-clutch automatic transmission as an option.  


Click below to go to "Goldwing 2"

The Honda "Wings" have a long and interesting history!